Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Blah, Blah, Go Away

I'm a little blah today. After weeks of waiting for Thanksgiving weekend, the fun of seeing my daughter and having time to get to know her sweetie, it seems as though the excitement has gone out of my life. It's partly because I ate too much, slept too little and spent four days in a row not having to work.

The other part is separation. Stef lights up the room when she comes to stay. When she leaves things seem dimmer and there's a little hole where she used to be. I know it's temporary and I will be all better soon. In fact, writing this makes me smile at what a fine time we all had. This picture is of Dave on the Bristol, Tennessee side of State Street.

1 comment:

Poppy said...

This explains my yesterday sadness.

Love you, Mom. (((HUG)))

PS - My blog is broken so maybe you didn't get to see I wrote about the same thing. :}